Radical Self-Love Challenge Week and Interview Series
Update: There's now also a website devoted to this content. Click here :)

Dynamic acts of self-love are healing and transformative—to our own lives and the planet at large. The effects reach far and wide.
Join me in this weeklong series devoted to cultivating deep self-love and appreciation! Check out the video, and come along for the journey—from day #1 to day #7!
Feel free to leave your thoughts and insights in the comments below :)
Live. Give. Make a Difference. XO
What's It All About?
The Challenge: Day # 1
Day # 2 (Plus Bryant Park Interviews!!!)

#2: "I love my intuition." <3
What's on your list? Feel free to post your own picture/video on facebook (rachel kay barclay) or instagram (@rkbarclay) and tag me!
And here's what New Yorkers Love About Themselves!
Self-Love Interview Series (Part I: Bryant Park)
Day # 3 (Plus Interview at the MET!)

#2: Peeps at Writopia Lab jumping into the Self-Love convo!
Elsa: "I love that I'm hilarious."
Mbene: "I love that I'm an AWESOME writer."
Alex: "What I love about myself is (the middle of) my nose."
Emerson: "I love my sense of humor!"
Me: "I love my inner child."
What's on your list for day #3?
Feel free to post your own picture/video on facebook (rachel kay barclay) or instagram (@rkbarclay) and tag me!
And here's the next segment of the Self-Love Interviews!
What do New Yorkers Love About Themselves? (Part II: The MET)
Day # 4 (Plus Interview in West Village!)

Featuring the lovely Fern Lin at The Contagious Fern.com!
Fern: "I love my goofiness."
Me: "I love my compassion."
What's on your list for day #4?
Feel free to post your own picture/video on facebook (rachel kay barclay) or instagram (@rkbarclay) and tag me!
And here's the next segment of the Self-Love Interviews!
What do New Yorkers Love About Themselves? (Part IV: West Village)
Day # 5 (Plus Interview in Fort Greene, Brooklyn!)

#5: "I love my courage." <3
What's on your list for day #5?
Feel free to post your own picture/video on facebook (rachel kay barclay) or instagram (@rkbarclay) and tag me!
And here's the next segment of the Self-Love Interviews!
What do New Yorkers Love About Themselves? (Part V: Fort Greene)
Day # 6
Plus Special Interview in Central Park where Sammie Smedley and I get down to the nitty-gritty of self-love in the context of relationships, break-ups, career goals, and life's challenges!

Shira: "I love my creativity." <3
Me: "I love my joy." <3
What's on your list for day #6?
Feel free to post your own picture/video on facebook (rachel kay barclay) or instagram (@rkbarclay) and tag me!
And here's the next segment of the Self-Love Interviews!
What do New Yorkers Love About Themselves? (Part VI: Central Park -- Self Love in the Context of Relationships, Breakups, and Life's Ups and Downs)
Day # 7 (Plus Interview in Hell's Kitchen!)

#7: "I love my curiosity." <3
What's on your list for day #7?
Feel free to post your own picture/video on facebook (rachel kay barclay) or instagram (@rkbarclay) and tag me!
And here's the next segment of the Self-Love Interviews!
What do New Yorkers Love About Themselves? (Part VI: Hell's Kitchen)
That's the end of the weeklong Self-Love Challenge!
Thank you so much for joining me on this journey, and for taking the time to invest in the most important person in your life: yourself <3
Stay tuned for a wrap-up post, and extra bonus Self-Love Interviews with more colorful New Yorkers!
And check out the Self Love Journey -- a website devoted to the project, which proudly displays all of the self-love declarations and thoughts you folks have sent my way! There's also more fun interview material on there, and practical tools to cultivate greater self-love (coming soon!).
Live. Give. Make a difference.